Enjoy your solitude but appreciates good company. Your dog is called roll, and loves being a small-town in the city.
I never understood the fascination with flowers at the house … until I got some for the first time. Simply put you in a better mood, give more life to any room, change the mood of home and gives another impression your guests. I do not know if they are the colors, shapes or essences fired, but there is something very special to have them nearby.
The downside is that if only we let in water, its duration is short and before we know, it will begin to wither altogether. However, there are some simple tricks that today I share with our list of tips to keep flowers fresh longer.

If you wonder why the flowers fade so soon, it is because of bacteria and reproduction, so the following tips help combat and maintain the appearance.
Pour, very carefully, ¼ tablespoon per liter of water. It is important to be very little; otherwise your flowers will wither before.
Some acetylsalicylic acid is what you need to make your flowers last longer. Crush two aspirins and viértelas in a cup of warm water. Wait for it to cool completely and then pour the water in the vase.
Serves 2 teaspoons per liter of water. You not need any more.
Add a few drops of vodka in the water in the vase.
You may also like to read another article on GuangzhouFlowershop: Ideas for home decorating with flowers
Flower vase
We recommend looking for a great for all stems fit well and reach the water without getting stuck with each other vase.
To pamper your flowers, as a day spa, you only need a tablespoon of white sugar. Pour in water to give a little extra “food”.
Be careful not to saturate the petals, just spray some from a distance of minimum 10 cm, which helps preserve its beauty longer. Many people do this trick in bridal bouquets. For more tips visit http://ish-world.org/.
Tags: 8 tips, keep fresh flowers
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