The chrysanthemum is a plant known for decorating the graves in cemeteries, but it can look in our homes and gardens in all its glory thanks to its colorful and late flowering.
In the following lines we will discuss the care and maintenance of chrysanthemums, offering a number of tips so you can grow some beautiful chrysanthemums in your garden or terrace.
Chrysanthemums are originating in Korea, but now it is a cult plant in Japan, where it has become the favorite flower by the Japanese. There is also called autumn flower and is a symbol of pleasure and happiness.

There is a wide variety of chrysanthemums. They are well known for its roses, red, orange, yellow or white colors. In addition to its vivid color, another advantage is its late flowering, to November, filling our gardens color when the rest of the flower begins to fade.
Planting chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums must usually planted in spring, because although they will not bloom until late summer or early fall, that time will be well rooted and better withstand the harsh autumn and winter.
If we buy potted chrysanthemums in autumn we can plant them directly in the ground, pot or jardinière, if possible with terrazzo. However their resistance will be lower. We must choose a very sunny place to encourage flowering.
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Perennial chrysanthemums can be planted from March to May in nurseries or directly planted in spring. The annual chrysanthemums can be planted from February to March nurseries. The plant it in the ground in spring, respecting a minimum distance of 50 cm. Also we can plant them directly in May.
Chrysanthemums care
Chrysanthemums require very little care, safe water them regularly if it does not rain. Remove faded flowers as they appear, to promote the emergence of new flowers.
Water when the soil is dry, especially if you’ve grown potted chrysanthemums. They need a moist soil to develop properly. No monks its foliage to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as rusts or mildew.
Tags: Care, Chrysanthemums
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