Since mid-September you can start planting bulbs for spring flowering; among them we list: tulips, crocuses, grape hyacinths, hyacinths, anemones, cyclamen, daffodils and many other.
It can easily find the bulbs in normal garden centers and nurseries, or you can use those stored from the previous season.
It is important to just plant the bulbs that are in very good condition and well firm: those bruised, presenting cutting, rot and soft parts have to be discarded, because the bulb may die quickly, without, however, get to growth.
When you decide to plant new bulbs it is important not simply choose according to the beauty of the flower; usually these plants to be compared with each other, it is therefore important to choose the right height, as well as specimens agree well with each other.
If you buy bulbs directly in garden centers recommend you read carefully the instructions on the back of the package, so as to understand how and where to position them bury.
Another element to consider is the number of bulbs required: This varies greatly depending on the species and the distance that must exist between a bulb and the other, but it also depends on how we want the drawing created is dense.
It is advisable to leave a space equal to the size of about three bulbs of the same kind, it is very important that the bulbs do not touch each other. On the packaging are still present the minimum and maximum distance to leave between each bulb, these vary greatly depending on the species and variety of choice.
Even the depth to which it must bury the bulb is very dependent species, as a rule must still be covered with a quantity of ground equal to twice the height of the bulb itself : for example a 5 cm bulb must be buried to a depth of about 15 centimeters, so as to leave 10 above the bulb.
Of course also for the optimal depth it is all written on the packaging.
Prepare the ground for new bulbs
Before proceeding with the planting of bulbs it is essential to assess whether the soil has the right conditions to house them: the optimal substrate for the bulbs should be friable, permeable and with an excellent drainage.
For example, a clayey soil is absolutely not recommended for the cultivation of bulbs: the humidity retained risk causing it to rot easily bulbs.
We suggest a simple trick to understand the type of soil in your garden. Take some of land in hand and tighten in hand: if this falls slipping through your fingers it means that it is sandy soil, ideal for the cultivation of bulbs; if it remains clotted and compact it is clay soil, before placing the bulbs it will be necessary to make it hospitable.
Before proceeding with the burying it is however necessary to dig deep into the soil, so as to remove any residual weeds, roots and any stones. If the soil is clayey, during the digging it is necessary to add the sand of the river or the leaf mold, in this way the substrate acquires the friability necessary for the cultivation of bulbous plants.
If you decide to plant the bulbs in a portion of land that had previously hosted other plants you may want to add granular slow release fertilizer during the digging, that way you will balance the amount of nutrients necessary for the growth of new plants .
It ‘very important not to mix the substrate any kind of manure or organic manure, compost or humus either : usually facilitate the formation of rot , very damaging to the bulbs.
Normally the bulbous flower beds must be made about three fingers above the ground level : in this way the watering water in excess grounder away without causing excess water.
The indispensable tools to plant the bulbs
To easily plant the bulbs there is a relatively inexpensive tool that can facilitate our work: the plant bulbs.
The operation of this tool is very simple: extracts a ground carrot where you will house the bulb, thus avoiding to compress the soil around the hole . The soft soil around the bulb will facilitate the rapid expansion.
After planting the bulbs is not necessary to proceed with a subsequent watering , will do the normal annual and winter precipitation. If it does not rain enough needs to be offset with light watering only between February and March. Evaluated before the ground conditions: proceed only if it is very dry.
Plant the bulbs in pots
When you plant the bulbs in pots it is necessary to use the same care that you use for the ground .First, it is therefore necessary to ensure optimal drainage to the ground, use two centimeters of gravel or expanded clay. As for the substrate is recommended to choose universal or specific soil for flowering plants.
For the selection of vessels you may want to opt for deep containers, depending on the type of plant to be considered in an appropriate vessel height that will reach at the mature stage . If the plants will have a long stem, such as tulips, it is good to obtain already from the start of the guardians to support it. If the plants do not get rain it is recommended to moisten the soil about every 15 to 20 days for the entire month of October, using a sprayer.
During the winter it is better to stop, and then resume when the first shoots sprout. From March onwards they must provide regular watering, while avoiding the excesses, as this may cause water logging. It is important that the soil is kept constantly moist.
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