Orchids whose scientific name is Orchidaceae part of the family of monocots characterized by the complexity of their beautiful flowers. Whose beauty, complexity and diversity have come to astonish the world without any rival in the plant world. In this article, you will know some tips on how to plant and care orchids but first know a little about it.
Growing orchids comprise one of the largest families of flowering plants on earth, with more than 30,000 different species, and at least 200,000 others made up of hybrids. This plant is very common to see different parts of the world because it’s amazing diversity allows it to adapt to different environments.
Features growing orchids
Quite unlike other plants and animals, plants are capable of producing orchid hybrids between species, and not only that as it may do so with related genres. Which is why today there are an overwhelming number of hybrids?
Almost all orchid plants come to flower once a year, but if this is comfortable in your surroundings can do so more often. It is for this reason that if you want to buy them to decorate during a given season, the best option is to buy when you can see the flowers at the same time desired. Which usually they are maintained for a period of six to ten weeks.
Others point to consider about how to grow orchids is that this plant does not like being transplanted why will not bloom for at least one year after the transplant. So if possible, acquire orchid plants in pots rather than a bare root.

There are some types of orchids difficult to cultivate, in fact they are almost impossible to keep alive, and much worse if we start talking about flowering, even for professional growers. But there are many varieties of orchids, and hundreds more if you count hybrids, which are easy to plant either in a sunny window or under full sun.
So if you want to succeed you should start by choosing the right for the area where you live varieties. In addition it tries to buy the most mature plant you can afford, because young plants are even harder to please, and that is during flowering if possible, then we’ll show you some tips on caring for growing orchids.
Tips on how to plant orchids
Right climate for orchid plant
This plant is also classified according to their natural habitat, making them different needs of temperature, humidity and light they need in regard to how to plant orchids. An example of this are the orchids from the humid tropics, such as Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum which prefer daytime temperatures of 23° to 29° C, with a humidity of 80 to 90 percent. They are happier if they are put in a window facing east or southeast, where the light is not too intense.
Orchids warm weather, include the cymbidiums and dendrobiums, the same as they are accustomed to an average temperature of 12° to 21° C, good air circulation and a constant supply of moisture. Usually this kind of growing orchids is happy in a window that is facing south, although they may need a little shade in summer.
Cattleyas and some types of oncidiums are able to grow in dry climates and relatively cool. These plants are able to tolerate a long dry season, with temperatures ranging between 29 ° to 32 ° C, followed by a rainy season. Light needs are higher, why it should be placed in a sunny window facing south.
Cultures of high – altitude orchids are formed by Masdevallia and Epidendrum, which usually grow in forests with lots of fog, where average temperatures are 16° to 21° C, and requires a very high humidity. They prefer a not too bright light.
Light necessary for the orchid plant:
As a general rule when it refers to as planting orchids this plant requires 12 to 14 hours of light each day throughout the year as they are very hungry for light. In a tropical area, duration and intensity of natural light does not have large variations as in temperate climates. For this reason may be you may need to move the cultivation of orchids or supplement with artificial light in order to keep them happy during the winter months.
Usually when it refers to as planting orchids should be placed in an east or south window. On the contrary it is not recommended to put in a window to the West for being too hot or the north that are usually darker.
In case you have an ideal location as a good alternative to planting orchids is the use of artificial light, which should be placed no more than 6 to 8 inches away from the fluorescent bulbs with a measure 4 feet.This will vary according to the needs that have the plant used.
Culture media:
There are a variety of terrestrial orchids like Paphiopedilums and some types of cymbidiums, which are able to grow on the ground. However the vast majority of tropical orchids are epiphytes (grow in the air, instead of the ground). Its fleshy roots are coated with a layer called aerofoil, which helps absorb water like a sponge. The coating also protects the roots of the loss of heat and moisture.
Another important point about growing orchids is the culture medium as this should promote good air circulation, as well as allowing water can drain quickly. You must also put something so that the roots can hold and depending on the type of orchid can be happy growing in the peat moss, bark asbestos, the roots of dry ferns, sphagnum moss, rockwool, perlite, nuggets cork, stone, coconut fiber, lava rock or a mixture combining several of these materials.
Watering the orchid cultivation:
A point to consider in regard to how to grow orchids is that the vast majority of these plants are able to withstand drought excessive moisture much better. Nothing will kill faster orchid plant to leave their waterlogged deposit. Without proper air circulation, the plant dies from asphyxiation.
As a general rule as regards as orchids plant it is that these should be watered once a week. As the culture medium allowing you to dry between each watering and in no way should contact the roots with excess water. Please note that transplanting orchids will prevent growth resumes for months. Watering should be done in moderation during this period.
Almost most tropical orchid cultivation requires a humidity of 60% to 80%. In most climates during the winter moisture advice about growing orchids often reduced by up to 30% during this period is the use of humidifier or special trays to keep moisture or trays filled with gravel. Some species are also benefited with moisture.
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How to care for an orchid
As are nearly 30,000 species, it is almost impossible to give instructions on how to care for an orchid. However if we consider its characteristics can meet some clues about their needs light, water and culture medium.
For example if the plant has leathery leaves (as most cattleyas and oncidiums), it is likely that this plant requires a considerable amount of light. On the contrary if the leaves are soft and loose (like some Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum many more) are likely to be very sensitive to light and must not be placed in a sunny window facing south.
If the plant orchid pseudobulbs holds a fat, watering should be in moderation, and cultivated with thick chunks of bark or lava rock. If the orchid has not pseudobulbos may require more frequent watering, or tobe grown in a culture medium that is able to retain more moisture as sphagnum moss.
The culture media orchids provide you with very few nutrients, which is why an important step about growing orchids is to provide fertilizer so you can grow healthily. For this you can use a liquid fertilizer, the same must be dissolved in more than the amount used in other plants.
The payment should only be applied when the plants are in the active growth. It is for this reason that an advice on how to plant orchids is not fertilize during the winter or after transplantation occurred. Many producers can use a 30-10-10 fertilizer while others prefer 10.10.30 or 10.10.10, Spray area can also plant orchids with fish emulsion or seaweed extracts to provide micronutrients.
Like planting orchids and spread transplant
This plant can be more comfortable in a small boat, being the perfect orchid pots for one made of plastic because when transplanted roots can spread more easily, or can simply cut the container. To ensure that there is good drainage background can be used 1 or 2 inches of foam peanuts.
Finally should suspend the orchid on the boat, and finish filling slowly with pieces of fir bark or any other medium you are using. Crown plant should be slightly below the top of the can. Sometimes it can be helpful to use a piece of wire to help establish the plant until the roots can sustain themselves. This can be complicated to do so we leave you a video on how to grow orchids:
As transplanting orchids
There are varieties of orchids that need to be transplanted each year, while others can endure several years in the same pot. But a rule about growing orchids is to do a transplant unless this procedure is necessary, as they are very sensitive.
The realization of the propagation of orchids from seeds is very difficult. This is because the orchid seeds are not able to store nutrients as other plants. To grow the seed is required this fall in a particular type of fungus that can penetrate their root system and convert nutrients into a usable form.
To propagate orchids from seeds is needed for a job in sterile conditions. These being grown in a gelatinous substance with nutrients and growth hormones. It also requires patience because to see the first leaves of months needed which can only be seen with a magnifying glass. The roots take even more, with flowers which take up to 8 years to appear.
It is easier to spread the cultivation of orchids by dividing, but keep in mind that you should forget about seeing flowers for at least one year. Besides that older plants it is those that produce more flowers and small divisions take many years to mature.
Tags: Care, Orchids, Planting, Tips
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