Orchids are tropical beauties with a pleasant aroma, unique beauty, and vivid flowering. Today, the cultivation of hybrid varieties on the windowsill are engaged in millions of people around the world. There is an opinion that caring for an orchid at home is very complicated and requires knowledge and experience from the owner. In fact, it is enough to master only the basics and basic rules of the content of this capricious beauty, and then you should have no problems with the plant.
If you want to successfully maintain orchids at home, it will not hurt you to become familiar with the main problems that await the newcomer on the road to success. Let’s try to figure out how to avoid the following negative factors and how to save a flower if trouble has already happened.
Orchid leaves turn yellow
Periodically, growers notice yellowed leaves on an orchid. This may be due to the renewal of leaflets, which is a natural process. Old leaves turn yellow and wither, they are located mainly at the base of the flower. Fully dried leaves should be carefully removed. But what to do if very young leaves turn yellow? In this case, it is most likely a disease associated with improper irrigation.
Excessive watering causes the root system to fester, leading to the development of diseases and yellowing of foliage. Excessive dryness of the soil can also lead to yellowing of leaves as a result of drying. Also, if the room humidity is too low, and the foliage is not sprayed in time from the sprayer, this can also lead to negative consequences.
Another factor that can affect the yellowing of foliage is excessive drafts and cold, perhaps your flower just freezes on the window. The direct rays of the sun are also contraindicated for orchids; they can leave burns on the leaves in the form of yellow spots. You see, one problem, but how many reasons and nuances. Proper care for an orchid at home, in the first place, includes the proper watering of the plant.
Problems with orchid roots
Problems with the orchid root system are unfortunately not uncommon for a florist. Improper watering can lead to darkening of the roots, the formation of plaque and slippery film on them. Excessive stagnation of water in the substrate often leads to decay of the equine system. Such a flower is recommended to immediately transplant to another substrate, after removing the damaged areas of the root system.
Certainly, orchids at home, like in the wild, need moisture, but excessive stagnation of water in the is always negative for the plant. For a flower, not only watering the land is important, but also spraying the leaves, in everything there must be a “golden mean”.
The orchid does not bloom
Another common problem when a favorite plant does not give the owner a beautiful flowering. It seems to be the right orchid care and everything is fine, but the buds do not appear and there is no hint of flowering. In this case, the plant may not have enough light or it is at rest (in the cold season).
If the epiphyte stubbornly does not want to bloom in the warm season of the year I and with sufficient light, it is necessary to spend a little stress on the plant, which consists in scarcer watering and lowering the temperature to 10-12. All this should be done gradually so that the plant does not die from excessive stress. Also, the difference between day and night temperatures of 10-12 degrees should be observed. With this specific care, the budding should take place within 4-6 weeks.
Diseases and pests
As we noted above, the most common cause of the disease is improper watering or spraying. In this case, the affected areas can be formed on the roots or foliage, which should be removed with a sharp knife with a portion of healthy tissue, and the cut with a special antibacterial agent. With the defeat of the root system, it is imperative to replace the substrate and boil the pot.
Of the pests, the orchid most often affects spider mites and mealy worms. To get rid of them should treat the leaves with soapy water twice with a break of 7 days. With a strong defeat will have to apply special tools from a flower shop.
As you can see, the rules of caring for an orchid at home are not so terrible; everything is logical and understandable even to a beginner. Of course, proper orchid care is based on experience, so why not start learning floriculture now? Be confident in response to the care tropical beauty will give you it’s bright and fragrant flowering.
Tags: Diseases and pests, leaves turn yellow, Orchid At Home, orchid roots, Rules Care
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