The most important thing for a gardener’s interest in learning and not stop watching. It is very advisable to carry a book with everything that happens and do in the garden. This information will be very useful for the present and for the future (years to come).
If you initiate in the world of gardening it is better to start with easy plants that do not require much experience. For example, a Gardenia is quite difficult to thrive for someone who does not know how to fulfill all the demands that it has. You can be frustrated and discouraged. For the moment, the important thing is that your first attempts are satisfactory and encourage you to continue progressing.

Available time
If the weekend is the time you have to devote to gardening, do not be put off by grandiose projects and buy more plants you can attend.
When tilling or digging land should not go deeper than 25 cm to not get below ground is much less fertile than the superficial.
Breaks the surface crust that forms on earth by a light cava with the hoe. This hard crust prevents soil aeration and water absorption.
Variegated leaves
If you want to keep the different shades of variegated plants (leaves spotted with white, yellow or other colors), cut the branches to come away with totally green leaves.
Plants with flowers
- Buy plants with few open flowers but with many buds to open.
- Give her plenty of light.
- The soil slightly moist.
- Fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium.
When you see the orchard or garden worms not delete them because they aerate the soil with their droppings galleries and is an excellent fertilizer and soil improver. They eat organic waste that is on the ground, not roots.
You may also like to read another article on GuangzhouFlowershop: Gardening work waiting for the summer
Birds in the Garden
Birds apart from its beauty, feeding on insects harmful to plants. A garden with birds has fewer insects than one that does not have birds in abundance. Try attract and make them your allies providing them with a nest or shelter. Conversely, if fruit and vegetable crops can become harmful by eating or picking the crop.
Damage desperadoes
Often produce wounds single store in trees and bushes with nylon wire brush cutter when you want to mow the lawn or weeds stuck to the trunks. The tree or shrub will accuse him and if the wound completely surrounds the stem he “rings” and will die.
To avoid this place a protector around the neck of the plant of a height of not less than 10 cm .. You can use, for example, a piece of PVC pipe with a cut along. You open it and insert it into the stem.
Another alternative to avoid such damage to the brush cutter at ground level is to keep the base of trees and shrubs grass free. Trees that are planted in the lawn must have a base made of a base. This consists of a clean round of lawn and grass. A geotextile mesh is placed and on this crushed pine bark, gravel, etc.
Fuels for machinery
Not store fuel (gasoline or diesel) for more than two months. If it passes this time, consume it by throwing it in the car, which will not affect him. To remember the date of purchase, write it with a marker.
It is very common in the mower leave the winter without using fuel with stagnant. When the new season arrives, it no longer starts or works with ups and downs and gives problems. The carburetor needs to be repaired or replaced and the entire fuel circuit must be purged of past fuel. Visit to the obligatory workshop.
Tags: flowers, garden, Plants
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