Creating a flower arrangement implies an interesting design that is suitable for the person you would like to please with a bouquet of flowers. The gifts of nature – the most desirable gift that can express the whole range of feelings of the giver. How to properly pack a bouquet of flowers to complement the composition, to decorate it, but to avoid “weighting” and not create a situation when the package distracts attention from the wonderful gifts of nature?
Packaging as a manifestation of style
Before choosing a package, you should take into account the tastes of the person to whom the bouquet is intended. Depending on the character traits and belonging to a certain zodiac sign, a person’s tastes can vary significantly. Some people like lush and bright packaging, someone prefers a modest or stylish design, and someone does not like any packaging but prefers the natural beauty of colors.
However, floristic implies the existence of certain rules that will help to find the “middle ground” in the art of designing a floral arrangement, which helps to be in the trend of fashion trends, up to date with new trends that can help create a floral masterpiece:
- Packaging for the flower ensemble is designed to hide the flaws of the bouquet, without switching attention to it. At the same time, the brightness of colors, the abundance of packaging material, many accessories are able to cross out all the efforts to create a flower arrangement.
- The spiral form of the packaging gives the bouquet pomp. Any design in the form of a paper bag will allow you to give the composition a volume without squeezing the flowers into a tight bouquet. The round shape, on the contrary, will give the composition a density, “pulling” all the plants together in a compact floristic ensemble. But the triangular version of the packaging of florists is considered mourning.
- Everything that was considered stylish and fashionable not so long ago is today considered a bad form. Fashion and time do not stand still, and today packaging in foil, crepe paper, cellophane is considered unacceptable.
- The same attitude to accessories. They are designed to highlight accents, give a bouquet of some delicacy, and not distract attention.
- The fashion trend is today considered all natural, natural. Therefore, packaging has also undergone some changes. Apply rice paper, mesh, felt, corrugated paper, etc.
The packaging of flowers composition
How to pack a bouquet of flowers in paper and not only, you can consult a professional florist. However, some recommendations will help to do here on their own and try yourself in a field that was unfamiliar until recently:
- Before packing a bouquet at the base should be pulled off with scotch tape. This will give it extra volume. You can add decorative small inflorescences, decorative greenery, fern leaves to the main buds to perfectly decorate the composition along the outer edge of the bouquet, it is permissible to add various feathers and other accessories. Also at this stage, you can include in the composition of the ribbon and floristic mesh. All this contributes not only to the decoration of the bouquet but also gives the pomp and strength of the composition.
- In flower shops, florists often use a wide satin ribbon to draw stalks of plants over several layers. Such a drape of the lower part of the bouquet can be made with lace or a thin organza. This allows you to collect together the flowers and plants that are included in the flower arrangement.
- Corrugated or wrapping paper can be used as packaging. Corrugated paper is able to give the composition lightness and airiness, and packaging will emphasize the style and simplicity of packaging, paying attention to the beauty of the colors themselves. Increasingly, such packaging is used to decorate male compositions in order to emphasize the status of the present and its male affiliation. Wrapping paper used to be used only as wrapping paper for goods, this is the so-called Kraft, but its practicality and naturalness gave it a new direction of application, and today it is widely used for picking flowers. How to pack a bouquet of flowers correctly can be suggested by a florist or a video of professional bouquet packaging.
- It is worth considering that not all plants are equally compatible. There are plants neutral to each other, but there are also those that can ruin the entire composition in a very short time.
- If the flower arrangement is small, then you should not decorate it with large accessories, it will overload it. The expressive bow will give the opportunity to decorate such a bunch, without overloading it. In all, you need a sense of proportion.
Potted Flower Packaging
A desired and expensive gift can be a flower in a pot. This is a great way to keep a present fresh for a long time and to remind the pleasant moments of a past holiday or celebration. To give the gift a festive look, the pot must also be beautifully packaged.
For the simplest form of packing such a present, you can cut a circle with a diameter equal to the height of the pot, plus seven centimeters at the bottom. Then, forming folds, lift the paper up and along the top edge of the pot wrap all the paper with satin ribbon, securing it with a beautiful bow. The use of accessories, in this case, would be appropriate.
Tags: flowers, flowers composition, manifestation of style, Pack A Bouquet, Potted Flower Packaging
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