The purple flower is a much loved for its elegance and delicacy, and particularly the it’s particular nuances that arise from white to end in the most intense purple.
The purple includes more than 400 species, including hybrids and crossbreeding occurred over time, but its origins come from Ethiopia, South America, New Zealand and Australia, of course changing characteristics depending on the location.
But today I want to talk about a species that can live and flourish throughout the winter.
This is the species Tricolor also called “Pansy”; it is in fact a variant suitable for planting in colder months like January and then is appreciated throughout the winter.

Viola Tricolor
Viola tricolor belongs to the violet family that consists of other 16 different kinds.
Also you can buy two different species Tricolor: viola tricolor Vulgaris with classic purple flowers or purple Tricolor Arvensis which has a much smaller flower and white.
Generally, purple Tricolor, belonging to the hybrid category, can reach 40 centimeters in height with flowers that can reach up to a centimeter and a half.
Violets, thanks to their ability to grow spontaneously in the woods, often you can see even in the metropolis as a natural border of sidewalks and roads.
Depending on your needs so you can choose the most suitable species in shape and size.
Only I think it is better to prefer the small flower for borders and fences while the spots of color is better diversionary to the largest species.
Another important aspect of purple, in addition to its renowned beauty, is its strength; the viola in fact, stand frost and does not fear the temperatures below zero, even if this condition remains constant for long periods.
After mentioning its strengths and its main features, we see the planting and care they need.
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Cultivation of violets
Like every time you decide to cultivate or to plant a tree, what is considered is the soil. So the first thing to know how to prepare the ground which will accommodate the viola.
To ensure the purple balanced growth it is necessary to soften the soil if it is grown in the garden, the soil should be hoe to make it soft and fresh; if instead the place chosen is the vessel, it is important to work the soil with a small p hoe gardening or with hands.
After the softened soil it must fertilize adequately so as to ensure a constant and balanced nutrition for the whole winter period.
The most suitable fertilizer is granular slow release so.
At this point the plants can be land filled covering well the roots and placing them one from the other, with a distance of about 10 centimeters.
Exposure and watering
The purple does not require great precautions.
To live in peace, winter requires a sunny exposure is a controlled watering.
You just have to keep the soil cool without excess water.
If the vessel, or of color are exposed outdoors, the weather will be to water it.
If, however, you will find yourself having to watering, perhaps due to excessive drought, you will have to take care not to wet the stem, because there is a risk that rot.
I think it is an acceptable price for a garden or a balcony with flowers even in winter … will sure to brighten the sad and cold days.
Tags: Viola tricolor
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