The lantana plant is a genus of about 150 species of perennial flowering plants in the verbena family, or the verbenaceae. All you need to know about this plant.
Lantana plant is a genus of about 150 species of perennial flowering plants in the verbena family, or the verbenaceae.
Dissemination of lantana plant
These plants are native to tropical regions of the Americas and Africa, but exist as an introduced species on other continents, especially in the Australian and Pacific region. The genus plants lantana include both herbaceous plants that also shrubs of at least 0.5-2 m in height.
The aromatic flowers of the lantana plants are a mix of colors : red, orange, yellow, or blue and white flowers. There are other colors such as new varieties that have been selected. The flowers usually change color as they mature, with consequent inflorescences that are two or three colors. The species of lantana plants are widely grown for their flowers in tropical and subtropical environments and (as an annual plant) in temperate climates.
Most plants sold as lantana are Spanish. The spread of lantana plants is helped by the fact that their leaves are poisonous to most animals and thus avoided by herbivores, while their fruit is a delicacy for many birds. The birds, in turn, distribute the seeds of the plant lantana and thus unwittingly contribute to their proliferation.
The cultivation
The cultivation and care of lantana plants is easy. These flowers can be admired for a long time because of their long bloom time. There are several varieties available that offer a multitude of colors. Depending on the region and the type of area in which the plant grows, the lantana plants can be treated as annuals or perennials. Growing lantana flowers in the garden or in containers is always the best choice: the sliding variety can also be grown in hanging baskets. The lantana plants also tend to be a good choice for those looking to attract butterflies and even hummingbirds to the garden.

The cure
Cultivating the lantana flowers in a garden is a great way to add color and interest to your landscape domestic. Just pick a sunny and you’ll have them lantana plant the plants in a well drained soil. Although these plants are tolerant than many of the soil conditions, the flowers of lantana prefer slightly acidic soil. The mulch with pine needles is a simple way to increase the levels of ph in areas with low acidity and is therefore recommended for lantana plants.
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When planting the plants lantana
The Lantana plants are planted in primaver to, once the cold and frost threat has ceased. Keep in mind, however, that the lantana plants prefer warm temperatures, or so the new growth may be slow to appear. Once the temperatures heat up, however, grow in abundance. The newly planted lantana plants, require frequent watering, but once established, these plants require little maintenance and are also tolerant of the conditions with respect to a bit dry. In fact, a good soak about once a week should keep your lantana plants relatively happy. Although not necessary, the lantana plants can be given a light dose of fertilizer each spring, but too much fertilizer could inhibit their full bloom.
The pruning of plants lantana
To encourage the growth and revival, it is advisable to regularly cut the tips. The pruned plants can get a new life by cutting one-third of their growth: these plants will recover quickly. The pruning of the plant takes place usually in the spring.

The risks
The plants lantana are not affected by too many problems, you can meet on several occasions. Maybe, powdery mildew can become a problem if the lantana plants are not given enough light. In addition, the plant can develop a root rot if it is kept too wet. Instead, the sooty mold is a condition that causes black discoloration on the leaves and is most often attributed to insects such as whiteflies. Other common parasites that affect lantana plants include insects lace, causing gray or brown shades on the leaves, until the infection begins to descend.
The composition
The lantana plants are sometimes “Verbena calls bushes”, although nurseries selling them in hanging baskets and make a distinction between lantana plants and verbena. The evergreen perennials are more often used as annuals for would hang baskets in colder climates. The variety purple is even more vital and, therefore, is a hanging plant that gives a better effect.
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