The indispensable attribute of the suburban area – a large flowerbed, rock garden, lawn with ornamental bushes planted on them, grasses, flowers. Chamomile garden is a large perennial found, perhaps more often than others. Care for her is not difficult, she does not require close attention, and flowers against the backdrop of bright greenery, will attract attention and make you admire yourself.
A photo of a large garden chamomile can be found in our article, perhaps someone immediately wants to grow this flower in their own area.
Varieties of chamomile
In order to enjoy the beauty of the flowers, it is worth picking, from a large number of varieties, suitable only for your garden plot. Many kinds of large chamomiles can be seen in the pictures.
The variety of the plant is a large perennial chamomile, the varieties of which are grown, amaze with the brightness and size of the inflorescences. You can choose even terry chamomiles that resemble chrysanthemums and asters.
Multicolored shrubs can be red, lilac, pink or yellow. If desired, plants with different flowering periods are selected. Considering the fact that the garden chamomile looks beautiful in the cut and the flowers, regardless of the variety, cost a long time, it will not be difficult to decorate your home with a beautiful bouquet throughout the summer.
- Nivianica – chamomile is a large perennial. The size of the inflorescence, with proper care and observance of uncomplicated agrotechnical rules, can reach 15-20 cm. The height of the bush is about 70 cm. It loves sunny places that are not blown away by winds. It looks great in the cut, keeps a fresh look for a long period.
- Princess – a low, blooming from the beginning of July until frost, variety. The height of constantly growing shoots is about 35-40 cm. It blooms perfectly with regular watering. Seeds sown from autumn will sprout in spring and give beautiful flowers already in the same season. The flower is small, about 10 cm in diameter, but there are several of them on one shoot.
- Alaska is another variety with large flowers and a high stem. A big plus is blossoming from the beginning of the summer season to its end. Planted seedlings in early spring or seeding.
- To color grades of a garden, chamomile carries pyrethrums – pink and red; yellow cucurbits. The rose bush grows up to 60 cm, the red tolerates penumbra, and can reach a height of one and a half meters. Unpretentious in the care, grow on any soil, easily tolerates drought.
Chamomile garden: growing and grooming
Grow a bush of daisies on your site is not difficult. There are several ways to plant:
- Seedlings – planted after the threat of recurrent frosts, as the plant is still tender, the roots and sprouts can freeze. Planting is carried out step by step, through 25-30 cm, several plants (usually 3-4 pieces) per well;
- Division of the bush. Cultivation of chamomile by this method is the simplest. Usually, the shrub is divided when it reaches the age of 3-5 years. The preferred period is September. So the chamomile before frosts will have time to take root, and in the winter it will leave a completely strengthened plant;
- Growing from own seeds. This method is not too popular with gardeners, because it is not always possible to get the desired result. Parental signs may not be as clear as we would like, so the cultivation from the seeds of chamomile garden is not very frequent. To get beautiful flowers on the site, you need to buy seeds in the store. This way you can get a beautiful plant.
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Selecting the best seat, landing
Regardless of which way of cultivation is chosen, the site for planting in the garden area is selected in advance. It must meet several conditions:
- Garden chamomile prefers weakly acid soils, so it is necessary to take into account this nuance;
- The plant loves well-warmed sunny places;
- Before planting chamomile in the ground, organic or mineral fertilizers are introduced;
- When planting, take into account the distance between future adult bushes. Frequent planting will lead to thickening and, possibly, exhaustion and disease.
When growing large garden chamomile, you must adhere to the elementary rules of agricultural machinery for the care of perennial plants. Although it is a rather unpretentious flower, without proper supervision, the plant can lose its decorative effect, the flowers are ground, the stem will be thin, and the leaves may turn yellow.
If you compare photos of large varietal chamomiles with proper care and growing by themselves, you can see the difference.
First of all, it is worth paying attention to the planting holes and the distance between the planted plants. The step size should be depending on the height of the adult plant. With voluminous, powerful shrubs it is worth to maintain a distance of 80 cm to 1 m.
Compost and mineral fertilizers are poured into the hole. This can be a complex composition, purchased in a specialized store, designed for perennials.
After planting a beginner you need to water and leave alone for a few days for survival, before wrapping up space around the plant.
Watering, top dressing
It should be noted that the garden chamomile is drought-resistant, but with regular watering, the bloom will be brighter, the stems will grow higher, so the flowers will get more nutrition and will be larger.
Irrigation can be combined with top dressing. To increase the green mass of beautiful leaves, plants respond well to watering with a solution of mullein or chicken manure. You can prepare your own top dressing by pushing an armful of freshly mowed grass in a bucket of water for a week. When the composition ferments, it is bred at the rate: 1 liter per bucket of water.
Mandatory feeding during budding and flowering chamomile. The application of fertilizers can be carried out as follows: first, a small watering is done, then a fertilizer solution is introduced and again the plant is watered. This is done for better assimilation of nutrients and, in case an excessively saturated solution is prepared.
Weeding from weeds will give the flowerbed not only a neat appearance but also will not allow fungal and viral diseases to develop, which are often associated with thickened plantings or thickets of weeds. It is very convenient to use the cultivator for weeding and loosening the soil.
At the same time, it is desirable to loosen the ground around the plants. So the chamomile bushes will get enough moisture and air to the roots.
For a better winter, adult flowers are cut off at the end of autumn, leaving small hemp. To the plant well-tolerated frosts, they should be sheltered by pouring a layer of peat, leaves or old sawdust.
Procedure for the rejuvenation of chamomile
On average, in one place a shrub of ornamental chamomile can grow to five years. After this, you either need to separate the plant or perform a rejuvenation procedure. It is done this way: on the one hand, shoots are trimmed along with the root system. The nutrient soil (humus, compost) is poured into the formed well and the plant is watered abundantly.
This procedure is carried out 5 years after planting and then regularly every 3 years, pruning the bush every time on the other side.
Keep Reading:
With the correct planting, observance of the rules of care, the plant will thank with high stems, openwork leaves and large beautiful flowers that can decorate both the cottage area and the apartment in cut bouquets.
Tags: Chamomile Garden, Gardening
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