How to grow roses? From planting to care. The treatments for the most common diseases and tips for growing roses in pots or in the garden.
Growing roses does not require any special skills, and if you do not have a rose garden, this is the right time to setting one up. There are different kinds of roses, most fragrant and appreciated mainly by women.
This guide will explain how to grow roses, starting from the installation of bare root roses. The roses with bare roots can be found easily both from specialist nurseries in the “garden center.”
When buying pay attention to the species and variety you choose. The nurseries are able to provide hybrid for every need: cold-resistant, suitable to the gardens to the sea, most fragrant, with particular or inflorescence that bloom over and over again. In recent times they have spread the so-called roses, talk about varieties that continually flourish. Among the variety, we remind the producing flowers so frequently that it is hard to see it before buds.
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Rose cultivation in pots
For those who want to grow roses in pots we remind you that the floribundas roses are suitable for growing in pots: in most cases does not exceed one meter in height.
The planting of potted roses can be made all year with the exception of the periods are too hot or too cold.
Growing roses: The planting
The first thing to do is dig a hole for the plant. This should be done when the ground does not present ice cream and there is a specific month for each area of Italy -see the note all-articular- bottom. The bottom of the hole must be covered with drainage material consisting of pebbles and coarse gravel. Here’s how to proceed with the installation of bare root roses:
After digging a hole about 60 cm deep, add a drainage layer. The bottom of the hole must be formed by draining material of at least 10 cm thick; other 10 cm of your hole will accommodate the natural fertilizer as well mature manure, above which will go a further layer of soil of other 10 cm which will have to take the form of a dome in order to better accommodate the roots of your rose.
In summary, the pit depth of 60 cm includes:
- 10 cm drainage layer
- 10 cm fertilizer
- 10 cm topsoil shaped mound
- 30 cm remaining for the grounding of the rose bush bare root.
Before planting out the rose, so that the roots can adhere well to the ground, dip them into a paste consisting of ground, organic fertilizer and water. At this point, the roots must be completely covered by a substance that has the same consistency of the mud. Only now, the plant is ready for planting.
With the planting, you need to settle on the roots of soil dome extending them well. To finish and fill the earth pit enriched with two or three handfuls of cornucopia or any other fertilizer with high nitrogen content. When you cover the roots with soil, be careful to leave out the graft. It ‘located just above the junction of the roots, if you have doubts about his whereabouts at the time of purchase of the plant, you can let you indicate the shopkeeper. Finally, irrigated.
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How to cure the roses
The care of roses provides semolina phases, in particular taken:
- A spring fertilization;
- Elimination of withered flowers;
- Frequent watering during the warmer months;
- Phytosanitary measures if cultivation were to be affected by diseases.
Rose, diseases and treatments
In the article dedicated to diseases of roses, the list of treatments and good standards of prevention to protect your rosebush from possible pests.
To avoid the appearance of diseases of roses are the flower beds of weeds always wise to keep clean. If a plant will die, carefully remove it and cleared the ground deeply removing all root residues, leaves and branches. Roses are subject to several pests, especially in late spring when temperatures start to be increased. In particular, we point out:
Powdery mildew of roses
And ‘it caused by the parasite Sphaerotheca creamy. On the plant appears a white powdery mildew. The mildew of roses can be treated with sulfur-based products wettable, among the various present on the market remind the Fungicide sulfur-based organic, more safe for the health of the garden and the man who lives. The product in question is marketed by Bayer and is specific for fungal infections dates from Sphaerotheca creamy.
This disease is manifested by black spots on the leaves of roses. If you notice brown spots on the leaves of your roses started with their removal: Remove contaminated leaves and Provide a treatment with a copper-based fungicide. The oxychloride Copper is the most widely used fungicide to treat mildew, the Monilla, the Corineus … and is also effective against infections caused by Marssonina rosae (scab).
The copper oxychloride is a fungicide allowed in organic farming, is presented as a powder that is diluted and then sprayed on the plant to be treated. If the scab has hit a single plant, it is important to intervene on healthy plants in order to do prevention.
It can be treated with copper oxychloride. By early summer, though in the past your roses have already suffered fungal attack, it is important to provide for a preventive treatment just with the copper oxychloride.
The pagan arge is a real scourge for the cultivation of roses. The larvae are argide of defoliating pests and, in the event of attack of severe entity, they manage to eliminate almost entirely the vegetation of roses. The appearance of the first larvae of the first symptoms, treat your roses with deltamethrin-1.51 at a dose of 0.5 milliliters per liter of water. Careful to respect this dose, it is an insecticide to be used lightly.
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