As decorate a garden or a terrace with beautiful plants and flowers! Do you dare to be considered “a whole gardener”? We indicate some simple, basic but very important tips for both your garden pots to your home or terrace, so you always have a “very lively” and with excellent color plants. Note that a healthy plant is a plant that will have less risk of catching pests.
1) First of all think of the time you’ll spend: Each plant needs a different care. If you’re going to spend little time or only on weekends and begins with simple plants that need little care. Normally native plants are those that need less care as they are perfectly acclimated to our climate. The crass plant is an example of a plant that needs little care.
2) Take an agenda of your plants: Look for information on the plant you have and what your pre-order period of flowering, fertilizer and, if needed, pruning.
3) Having pots clean and free of dead leaves and flowers plants. If weeds appear you remove them as soon as possible so that all soil nutrients absorbed only our plant.
You may also like to read another article on GuangzhouFlowershop: 5 gardening tips for beginners
4) If your plants are flowered: You can apply this to get plants flowers: Buy plants with few flowers but have closed buds. Then you put them in a place that has lots of light, soil moisture have a light and a fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorus.
5) If you have a garden with lawn advantage to plant right on the edges of the lawn plants need more irrigation, and that is where water accumulates more.
6) When you water the plants always do it on the ground and never on leaves or flowers as they may rot and are more prone to pests. If possible use warm water irrigation.
7) It is very important that the soil is aerated and now helping aerate the soil with a rake.
We hope these simple tips will be excited to have plants at home or in your garden. For more tips visit
Tags: 7 tips, Gardening
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