The azalea is a plant-shrub that has much beauty because of its beautiful bell shaped flowers. Their care are usually simple and if you follow some basic recommendations can be converted into a large silver interior that can even decorate your home. Dan flowers in late winter or early spring beauty filling the area.
Azalea care in summer
Azaleas need plenty of water and frequent and abundant irrigation to run, especially when they are in the flowering stage. Parents should not get wet or flowers or plants, directly irrigating the land. To care properly azalea is best to keep the humidity of this plant. To do this, in the hottest months you can cover the ground to prevent water from evaporating.

If plants are in pots can also put a bowl with water underneath so you can go drenching while hot. Do not forget to remove two or three days a week so that the azalea can rest. Water should not take excessive carbonate, which It betters the rainwater. Do not forget to place them in a place that is well ventilated and illuminated and where not to receive direct sunlight, especially if you live in areas of extreme heat. Choose an area with some shade, where a maximum of 22 degrees rub, if you want to keep them correctly.
Grow azaleas indoors
To cultivate azaleas inside house you must follow some simple guidelines. First place them in a home site that has a lot of light at a normal temperature, away from radiators since otherwise it will dry up and wither. Better than the humidity is high and if you cannot get this, azaleas sprayed with warm water all you can.
Water them daily while they are in bloom, especially if it is hot or uses the technique of dish we have already explained, without using harsh or too cold water. As for fertilizer, check fertilizer approximately every fifteen days, you can even apply grounds coffee, which will be good for growth. And regarding this pruning it should be done once the bloom, not in winter. The most interesting thing is that the transplant when you have finished flowering and let outside, but it already depends on each user.
You may also like to read another article on GuangzhouFlowershop: Plant the bulbs in late summer to the spring bloom
Requirements azalea japonica
Japonica azaleas are some houseplants that require a cool environment. If grown outside must be to protect from frost. Mainly because it highlights some plants that make wonderful flowers in many different shades. Japonica flowers azaleas may have red, pink shades or white colors. These can change tone, from more to less intense according to their different characteristics.
Japonica azaleas can take care of easily and should be taken into account, as already reported for the azaleas in general, its roots remain wet if you want the plant to survive. The temperature at which water should be fresh and the land is better be acidic. A great option is to learn to water them and take the habit of doing with rainwater, to grow perfect.
Prune azaleas
Azaleas can be pruned to clean. This is best done in winter and is to eliminate all dead or dry parts and tillers (shoots from the same root) or crossed branches. Furthermore, you can also get what is called the pruning of flowering. This involves removing the different plants to slow the growth of the branches and so the plant can ramification acquiring a more compact appearance and giving many more flowers.
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