October is the best month for planting specimens of conifers. These are plants able to resist very well to cold, but for the facility is better deal when the soil has still a rather mild temperature , in this way better to take root, be it of specimens planted in flat ground, both of potted specimens housed in balconies and terraces. If you chose to plant conifers in pots get yourself a deep container , you do not need to be too wide instead, especially if you host a single plant.
- With the lowering of the temperature it is necessary to carry out anti-mold treatments , possibly using products biological nature : if the weather is still mild, be very careful to unpleasant appearance of mildew .
- If you want to embellish your terrace with a beautiful composition that can withstand low winter temperatures choose the Cordyline ; it is a plant with little need: find them a sunny and sheltered.
- Some specimens of flowering plants, such as the Lotus berthelotii , are still in full swing: place them in the sun and still proceed with fertilization .
Grasses: Plants perfect for fall
The specimens of ornamental grasses that can populate gardens and balconies during the autumn and winter are indeed many.
Places great deep vessels will become a focal point from the huge ornamental value.
Select examples of Mischanthus transmorrisonensis or Helictotrichon sempervirens ; the first is characterized by evergreen foliage able to maintain its vital aspect during the entire winter season, thanks to the pendulous ears capable of swinging nicely at the first breath of wind.
This plant needs the sun, but grows in an appropriate manner even in partial shade situations; it is a specimen that does not need special care, the only element to avoid is the stagnation of water.
The second plant has American origins, it is an evergreen from metallic shades , suitable especially in urban-type contexts.
Renew balcony and terrace choosing new shrubs
The autumn is the best to obtain and plant new shrubs to be hosted in the balconies and terraces .
Visiting some garden centers supplied surely you will realize this. Besides the presence of small fruit trees (perfect for a spring bloom and a fruiting after about two years of waiting) you will find a wide variety of small trees . The appearance sapling is in fact the most suitable for growing in pots of most flowering shrubs .
If you want a beautiful flowering ready for next spring you must act now, even though the appearance of these plants in this particular season is not the best. Get yourself so apple, pear, hibiscus, oleander wisteria, privet, callistemon, bougainvillea and many other examples: in spring you’ll be glad to have acted in time .
Unusual autumn blooming: the Clematis
The family of clematis is quite wide and varied . It is very ornamental creepers specimens.
Normally the best known are the Clematis montana , with winter flowering and able to withstand the most severe cold, and the many spring varieties with colored flowers .
Then there are the specimens that can give excellent blooms till the autumn months . Among these we note Clematis rehderiana : this specimen has a bloom with small, fragrant yellow flowers with a small bell-shaped, these come together in panicles of about 15-25 centimeters. It is a kind of Chinese origin, strong and able to give his best if made to grow in full sun . The plant in question particularly strong and full of vigor, the maximum height reached nearly eight meters, also it has a remarkable ability to expand.
Another very nice specimen , but difficult to find on the Italian territory, is the Clematis Terniflora “Sweet Autumn Clematis” . And ‘of American origin, also very well known in England, easily found on the internet. This particular specimen gives small white flowers up to November , despite the arrival of the coldest weather.
The new system requires new ground
After the summer, the space occupied by the annual flower beds is now empty and bare. To make room for new plants is necessary to dig in the soil surface, then proceeding with the elimination of all traces of the dried plants and stones .
To give fresh new life to the land you must then proceed regenerating it with a generous dose of potting compost and mature manure .
If we proceed with the planting of new perennial species have to remember to well cover the roots with soil , the layer must be quite thick, so as to protect the roots from temperature changes and atmospheric phenomena typical of the coming season .
For more visit: http://coursehub.ie/
Tags: flower beds, Treat flowers
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